By Staff Writer
The Opposition HRPP political motorcade rally exposed alarming anti democracy fears in Savaii on Thursday with roadblocks that worsened into loud gunshots and the threat of village violence.
Close to a 100 flag bearing vehicles in the motorcade was on the road for close to an hour before the moving rally was forced off the road for safety worries.
Trouble started at the outset when a path of large stones lined across the main road at the Salelologa village stopped the vehicles from scheduled route along the south side of the island.
More large stones were scattered over the tar sealed road along with dried wood while village men stood around to pose an intimidating sight.
Even before the motorcade started, vehicles on their way to join up were stopped on the road.
Village men were seen taking flags from the people on the vehicles and forced them to turn around and return where they came from.
The roadblock eventually forced the motorcade to reverse direction and headed out to the north side.
Close to an hour on the road and after a stopover for an official welcome at Pu’apu’a village the procession moved again.
Reports of another village roadblock at looming ahead at the Sasina village finally forced the run to be called off.
Ironically the Salelologa village voted for the FAST party and the new constituency MP is now the Minister of Justice, Matamua Ms. Vasati Pulufana.
The Chairman of FAST and new Minister of Agriculture, La’auli Polataivao Schmidt is the Sasina village MP.
The drama of the Savaii peaceful rally ended the series of national rallies that brought out public support rarely seen in response to a political issue.
HRPP leader Tuilaepa is leading the outcry against recent ruling by the Judiciary that included the legitimizing the FAST government as illegal and unconstitutional.
The Upolu motorcade rally was the first in the series and the line stretched for several miles and took close to an hour to run from start to finish.
The Monday march from the Government building in Apia to the Tiafau Malae at Mulinu’u featured several thousand people treated to the rare wonders of wet weather.
The 10.00am morning march assembled under the threat of dark, heavy clouds ready to drop a flooding on the whole township.
The clouds held their wet load for about an hour from the time of the march to Mulinu’u right up to the end of the rally speeches on the ‘sacred’ Tiafau Malae.
The large crowd were served takeaway lunch and safely on their way home when the skies finally opened up.
The concluding rally in Savaii may have ended prematurely but for the HRPP organisers it was another rare moment to savour.
The political exercise was short but with a sweet taste of triumph at how the controversy had amplified the injustices behind the public discontent.
For Opposition leader Tuilaepa, his only disappointment is the unlawful village actions prevented them from honouring the late PM Vaai Kolone, as one of the founding fathers if the HRPP party.
The other founding member is the late PM Tofilau Eti Alesana and he memory was honoured with the laying of a wreath on his tomb.
Both leaders are from Savaii. (see other story)