FREE RUN : Stall owners at the Fugalei Market enjoys free rent under the stimulus package by Government .

By Martha Faavae Taumata

Stall owners at the Fugalei Market are grateful for the free rent under the Government Stimulus Package but they know it is only to give them some relief for now.

An added three months free rent of the market stalls at all the Government markets is welcomed relief for sellers with the severe economic slowdown since the coronavirus emergency lockdown started.

Many of the sellers are already looking at other options when the free run ends.

Emi Gatoloai a mother who runs her own market stall, is already trying online marketing for buyers to place direct orders from her.

Her other option is to drop her prices for vegetables and other perishables especially on good days on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

“Online sales are quite good really because we can prepare order from customers during the week and then come to the market for the weekends,” Gatoloai said.

Another stall owner, Ms. Luka Aiolupotea of Vaitele, is also looking at online marketing especially for some of her popular products like specially crafted birthday keys for 21 year olds.

Aiolupotea used to sell 3 to 5 keys a day at $400 but that it not takes her a full week to do so.

“ I thank the Government for relief measure for us, we are not a rich country like new Zealand, Australia or America but they try to help us out where they can,” a thankful Aiolupotea acknowledged.

“In our line of business, most of our customers are people who are either visiting or leaving Samoa and they are both Samoans and tourists as well.”

Stall owners especially at the Fugalei market are the first to feel the economic pinch when sales nose-dived.

The ban on public transportation kept the people away without the buses running for daily transport.

The three months free rent for the stall owners is the second since the Government stimulus package was extended.

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