WOMEN POWER : Outspoken woman MP Ali’imalemanu Alofa Tu’uau drums up early push for more women to run in the 2021 general elections and win seats.

By Martha Taumata Faavae

The Alataua West Member of Parliament, Ali’imalemanu Ms. Alofa Tu’uau, is drumming up early support for more women in Parliament, as the countdown edges closer to the 2021 General Elections.

Ali’imalemanu chairs the powerful Finance Committee of Parliament and is winding up her first 5 year term as an MP.

One of only 5 women in the 50 Member Parliament, she is totally convinced that the more women in the political decision making the better.

“This is a longstanding issue in Parliament and personally women offer a wider inside and outside perspective that men will appreciate,” the outspoken Ali’imalemanu offered.

Women have only had a token presence in Parliament in the past before new legislation became effective under the current sitting that requires 10% of the MPs to be women.

Ali’imalemanu is one of four women MPs who won seats in the 2016 general elections.

One had to be added to make up the legal number of woman seats based on the candidate with the highest overall ratio in the polls but did not win a seat.

“I have a gut feeling more women will come through in the next general elections but at the same time too I will be very disappointed if we don’t make the 10% threshold for women MP despite all the push we are making.

“I would dearly love to see us women win not just five seats to make up the legal numbers but beyond that.”

Ali’imalemanu is confident the role of the women as mothers and how they can contribute in politics is known and accepted by all.

“They can see that in us and the role we play with our contributions and counseling on issues that we see will have an impact on the children, women and everyone else.”

. Ali’imalemanu is an accountant by profession with local and regional experience for more than a decade.

Her electoral constituency wanted her to run for the governing Human Rights Protection Party and her party loyalties for the upcoming general elections are determined by her voters.

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