…. on this day as we celebrate our independence as a sovereign nation, it is normal to look around and reflect on the changes around us.
The changes are there to show how far we have come since we paddled our own boat.
When you take to the heights of the tall buildings inside Apia, this is the view you will see today, 58 years after we raised our own flag at Mulinu’u.
Look out yonder at the tip of the peninsula on the top right hand side of the photo and that is Mulinu’u.
What will our forefathers think if they were here to see these changes?
How would they feel if they were taking in the same sight and scenery from any of the tall, multi storey buildings we have now in Apia?
Will they be impressed or sad to miss Apia as they remembered it back in ‘their’ time’ of the ‘good old days’?

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