By Martha Taumata Faavae
The call of politics is strong on the Ministry of Health Assistant CEO, Mae’e Ms. Ualesi Siliva.
She signed up this week as an election candidate for the ruling HRRP party in the Savaii electoral constituency of Salega No.2.
Mae’e is giving up a service career of more than 37 years to chase after a seat in Parliament.
If elected the veteran public servant is determined to step up her contribution to the health sector at the higher level of political leadership.
Her wealth of work experience and understanding of health as a priority area are key interest concerns.
She also sees being a woman in Parliament an advantage in their motherly role as the main workforce in the family.

“This is a first time for me and it’s a strange feeling being a woman in a political environment,” Mae’e remarked after joining up with the HRPP on Tuesday morning.
“Men maybe the main decision makers in the families but all the work and running of the home are the responsibility of us women.
“We bring that same commitment into Parliament and that is why women fits in well at this national decision making level.”
She calls on more women to take up the political challenge, a role that they will do very well in for the benefit of the future generation of Samoa.
Health care inside the families and right across the communities and the whole country is high on the priority list for the Salega No.2 candidate.
The many years of working in the public sector has made her understand well the numerous Government policies for development that are in place.
Mae’e is from the village of Vaipu’a, one of three villages that make up the Salega No. 2 electorate. Fogasavai’i and Sagone are the others.

“I was nominated by my village leaders to stand as a candidate and for now it is important that I understand what best serves everyone in the whole constituency as well.
“We have to follow the line of national developments going forward, to take advantage of the benefits to villages, constituencies and all of Samoa.”
A Vaipu’a village leader who escorted Mae’e to the HRPP Sogi headquarters praised her leadership quality in the community and the church.
“We know she contributes well to village activities and the church, attend meetings and honour obligations to our community and church work,” Loli Tui spoke on behalf of the Vaipu’a leadership.
“We know Mae’e has the confidence and trust of the Government in her work responsibilities with the Ministry of Health.”
Tui also assured the full support of Vaipu’a in the leadership of the Government HRPP party.
Mae’e will put the challenge to the Salega No. 2 incumbent, Olofiti Vaai, who is a fighting one man opposition MP in Parliament.