All this bad talk about our overweight police is unhealthy.  We are naturally big people.  People say that about us all the time whether visiting or seeing us somewhere around the world.

The doctors will argue that we are obese but they also say we have big bones.  The brain gets muddled by all the big medical terms but if there is any blame to be made about body size then our culture should take its fair share.

Our matai or chiefs are mostly big people. Maybe from all the pork ribs they are served,  Weather it is unhealthy or not it is the culture that carry status as well.

A chief is supposed to be a big strong person who shakes the earth in his walk people will jump at his bidding,

What does that say about our police officers?  There was once a story about how hardened criminals would frustrate police investigations with their lies.

A call will then go out to the big burly police officers to sit in.   As soon as they do the guilty confessions fly out.

How’s that for size?

“…..of course size matters, I keep telling you that, dear

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