By Martha Taumata Faavae

The Tesese Institute top student for the 2020 school year is a 25-year-old mother of three (3) who found her calling after an aimless wander uncertain at first where her life was going.
Meipo Tema Esera of Saleimoa was at first a school leaver with no job, no skills and no dreams or goals to chase in the future.
All started to change when she attended first year night classes at the Tesese Institute and was inspired to strive for a better future for herself and her young family.

“During my second year with the institute I was sent under a training programme by the institute for practical work experience with the Public Service Commissioner,” Ms. Esera thought back.
The training lead to an employment opportunity with the Commission and added more fire to her resolve to challenge herself.
“ I started to realise that my night studies at the institute was a direction from God.

“ I was starting to evolve from the aimless wandering without any goals in life to keep improving on my work knowledge and skills if I was to help my family , village church and community.”
The ongoing night studies Esera went through for the last four (4) years has not been easy with her workload, studies and motherly duties at home.
The path she took involved extra work, extra studies, and extra responsibilities to the family and community activities.

“I had my work in the office from morning till knock off time in the evening , attending classes and then dealing with heaps of assignments.
“Being a wife and mother to two children plus my responsibilities to the church is a heavy load but I kept up my hopes to do better.”
Ending up as the top student for the institute this year is an achievement Esera accepts with pride and gratitude for all the hard work and determination she put into her studies.
As the senior records officer with the PSC it is also an added work achievement she is proud and grateful for.
Esera was one of 49 graduates from the Tesese Institute this year.
The Institute’s top student for 2019 Ms Mere Moemoe was also called up to be officially presented with her prize.