Martha Taumata Fa’avae
Membership criteria are being finalised for candidates wishing to run in the general elections under the new political party still in the making by resigned MP La’aulialemalietoa Leuatea Schmidt.
Candidates who have already indicated interests in joining are to seek the endorsement of their respective electoral constituencies first.
“Candidates must be accompanied by constituency representatives and should have signed confirmation from 50 people to show their support, as requirements for registration in the party,” La’auli disclosed to Newsline Samoa.
“ Candidates must also inform the party of the wishes of the electorate in terms of a name for the political party, reasons why and an election manifesto.”
A date is yet to be set for the new political party to be officially registered but it could be anytime this month, according to the party organisers.
La’auli said the interest has been high and there has been a long stream of people who have expressed interest in joining the party.
He said the planning and pre-registration for the party includes the input from all the constituencies around the country.
“We cannot win without the full support of the country and we cannot afford to register the party without the backing of the country. “
The new party is largely expected to include Salega MP Olo Vaai and Urban MP Faumuina Wayne Fong, who have become the unofficial opposition in Parliament
Ia iai le Atua ià Samoa ma laveaina Samoa i lana lava Amiotonu…”O Lou Fatu ma Lou Atua”