It was welcome news when the media reported the recent launching by our Government of a framework to fight corruption and protect whistleblowers. 

The timing was perfect and the Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi Government rightfully expects everyone to play their role in implementing the Samoa Anti-Corruption Policy and strategy. 

It was also reassuring to see the support of our development partners in the fight against corruption.

However, the question on the minds of many Samoans is when will Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa disclose to the nation how she will handle the cases of misconduct and illegal activity amongst her own Cabinet Ministers? 

For the Samoa Anti-Corruption Policy Strategy to be effective, the Prime Minister must set the example by holding her Cabinet Ministers accountable for their actions. 

There are also pending court cases that must be resolved for the nation to see a real commitment to anti-corruption, transparency and accountability from Fiame and her FAST government.

If Cabinet Ministers and FAST Party appointees are not held accountable for their actions then the message is clear – the privileged and powerful are above the law.

And this Anti-Corruption Policy Strategy will just be another wasted donor-supported initiative launched with sweet sounding words but lacking any real meaning and improvement in the daily lives of ordinary Samoans.

The Prime Minister must set the example in the fight against corruption by being transparent and accountable in dealing with her FAST Party leadership. 

After all, actions speak louder than words.


Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP Party in Samoa

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