By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

Maybe we are better off holding new general elections.   Whatever the ruling of the Supreme Court on the added woman MP seat it will not fix our unstable Government.

We have all waited and dreaded what the election petitions would bring.  Now we know. 

More than half of the elected Parliament are being dragged into court to defend against election violations.   Never before has that happened.

For a country founded on God it is a mockery of its proud god-fearing image.

Adding to the embarrassment is knowledge that in past election petitions,   winning candidates were booted out for giving  pitiful sums like $10 -$20 to voters.

 The law is the law and it is not the sum that matters but the act of bribery and treating.

If 28 petitions is a new record number keep in mind that there are counter petitions to come.    

The court is giving 5 working days for all counter petitions to be filed.  

We will have to wait for the end of the week to see how that turns out but don’t be too surprised if the same or even more are filed.

Candidates unable to petition by not having half the votes of the winner are in the picture as well by prosecuting through the criminal courts.

 Criminal complaints can be field for any election law violated and liable for prosecution and ruling of the court.   

Whatever the final petitions count is sad.   Even worse is what one legal counsel described as turning the Court House at Mulinu’u into a legal warzone.

 Unhappy images take shape of overworked lawyers rushing in and out of court in their long flowing black robes.

Following closely behind are large crowds with anguish in their faces hoping their lawyer is capable of a legal miracle.

Yesterday the political mud throwing between the two political leaders took on a very despairing note when they strayed into the independence of the court.

When the Chief Justice in a statement tries to reassure the country of the integrity of the judges of the court, it is cause for concern. Serious worry really.

The ending of the general elections in a deadlock has left the country unstable. 

With both political sides hurling smear bombs at each other, the instability will get even worse if it continues as it is bound to be.

The integrity of the court is our last stand of defence from the threat of a situation getting out of hand.

If ever that defence even threatens to collapse then the only recourse to take is to call for new general elections.  The sooner the better.

The option is there with a deadline set for the 24 of May 2021.  If by then the country is still not stable then the Head of State steps in and call for a return to the election polls.

Apparently the Head of State does not have to wait for the deadline. His Highness can make the call early depending on the situation.

Have to feel with a tender heart for His Highness if the worst comes to the worst. If the integrity of the Judiciary is not safe from doubt will the dignity of his office be safe from the stink of politics and the instability it has created in the country?

PM Tuilaepa conceded that Samoa once was the most stable country in the region but it is now unstable.

Time to weigh up the costs of either calling general elections or staying the course we are taking.

What real hopes are there that it will turn out well in the end.  If not then what?  How long can we hold off from making a decision before it becomes too late?

Maybe it is time to make some serious noises people about calling new general elections. 

Lets do it before the rhetoric of dirty politics drowns out whatever integrity we have left in this land we love to boast of its stability from God and Culture.

How’s Your day of rest Lord?

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