Mataeliga Pio Sioa

So who is this mystery lady who’ll lead the new coalition of political parties into the Promised Land in 2021?

Talk of this inspirational Moses or ‘Moserine’ if you like, has quietly fanned the fires of political defiance against the governing HRPP for a little while now.

 There were murmurs at first inside an exclusive circle of political dissenters until someone loud mouthed to PM Tuilaepa.

Whether it was an accidental slip or an intentional blurt deliberately designed to achieve a strategic objective, we’ll probably never know.

Whatever that maybe the PM laughed it off loudly on national media during the week.

He credited a Mr. Way or Wei, for the taunting disclosure.

Now that the ‘secret’ has echoed all the way to Savai’i and back, the obvious interest is on who this ‘mystery lady saviour’ is.

Is it really a mystery?

Doubt it. By now almost every man and his dog or woman and her cat have an educated guess.

If the ‘mystery lady’ is who they know her to be already, should they ‘slip up’ publicly on her identity as confirmation?

For her sake please NO. 

The momentum of political manipulation has turned up a few notches since the recent HRPP fall out inside and outside of Parliament.

Don’t ever believe what you hear until you see it with your own eyes, touched it with your own hands and taste it with your own lips.

Until this kind of talk is personally verified think of yourself as a pawn on a political chessboard.   

The political players are moving in to position their chess pieces.  The power pieces are kings, queens, knights….. the pawns are the frontline soldiers to be offered up as sacrificial lambs to set up a winning move or moves.

Has the opposition started off with their queen piece? 

Whatever strategy they’re working on, it is indeed a bold move to expose the queen this early in the election race.

If it works then it is a brilliant winning strategy. If not then she is being offered as a lowly pawn dragged to the altar of sacrifice to seduce the gods of victory.

If you were the nominated Joan of Arc destined for the fires of martyrdom would you want your identity to be dangled in public view?

What if this open ‘disclosure’ is a made up strategic political manipulation of an innocent person of high status without an ounce of truth in it?

Politics is a dirty game. How often has that been said and repeated? Why do they always say that politics makes strange bedfellows?

In the case of the PM, why did he blabber all over the media and deliberately rouse open curiousity about this mystery lady?

Of course he too has political motives. He’s no angel he’s a politician. What do politicians do best – they manipulate.  

The better you are at it the higher your success rate.

Tuilaepa is a master politician. Why else has the HRPP survived all these years?

Is it because of his manipulative skills?  Mostly certainly!  Equally true as well of all those around him. 

But go easy on the definition of the term. Manipulate is of course a loaded word with double meanings.

The most despised, is the connotation of scheming people who knowingly lead or mislead others to do the bidding for them.

The twist, however, is whether it is to do good or bad.  To do bad is deserving of sound condemnation.  To do good is excellent politics. 

The last time Samoa went to the election polls in 2016 there was a resounding verdict that the PM and his HRPP was doing a commendable job.

 We are only a few months away from linning up for the ballot boxes so the elections chessboard is out and the pieces are moving.

The HRPP has made a start by registering an envious lineup of high profile candidates to carry the party flag in April 2021.

Three of the six other political parties contesting the general elections signed up during the week into a coalition.  This is the same coalition that boasts of a ‘mystery lady’ to lead them to an election win.

Three others including the former opposition political party Tautua Samoa are confident of standing on their own.

From hereon, lets not take anything serious that is said by the politicians or their supporters wherever that may blow in from.

Sit back and enjoy the ‘cross-winds’ of political drama. What better way to keep cool in the blistering heat of campaigning rhetoric!

Swing along with the flow of endearing talk to sweeten you up or the bitter  yapping to run down the other side.

What else is new? There will be many more talks of mystery women before polling closes and you are not alone if you start to wonder if there are any mystery men around.

The Lord works in mysterious ways so He should know something about it but let Him enjoy His rest day.

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