By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

The rule of law has spoken. 

The indefinite suspension of Tuilaepa and Lealailepule from Parliament is unlawful.  Nothing is simpler than that.

Will the FAST Government honour that?  Of course! 

This is the same “Rule of Law” that installed them into power.

To turn their backs on the legal wisdom of the Judiciary is betrayal of this same “Rule of Law” that set them up as rulers of the day.

But there are always ways to circumvent the ‘long reach of the law’ in politics.

 Government has the numbers inside Parliament to vote out whom they want, when, where and for how long.

We have seen that happen already with Tuilaepa and Lealailepule.

There are no guarantees it was a one off vote that Government will not be called to take up again.

 PM Fiame has threatened a militaristic “yank from the roots” to any trouble makers who bring disharmony into Parliament. 

This was after she renegade on an agreement of harmony she talked Tuilaepa and the opposition party into signing up to.

The Harmony Agreement was deliberately wielded by the FAST dominated Parliament to boot out the HRPP leaders into ‘indefinite suspension.’

The former Prime Minister has earned the endearing father-figure salutation of ‘Papa Stui’.

 Both friends and foes honour and respect his leadership and longterm achievements under his new and lovable status of admiration.

But he and Lealailepule are not in Parliament to sit and tweedle their thumbs, which is what they are perfectly capable of doing.

Unfortunately, to do so would be dereliction of duty.  

When you are sworn to the role of opposition watchdog for the good of the country, it is a sin not to honour your promised duties.

Parliament without Tuilaepa these past few sessions was a sham.

The country was denied what they wanted to hear on what he has to say.

Muzzling his voice in political debate is an injustice with frightening consequences.

Freedom of political say is the foundation of democracy we practice and boast of.

 To lock up the Parliamentary doors to the rights of political expression is an act of treason.

If PM Fiame and her Government is honest about reconciling political divisions in the country and moving forward in harmony, now is the time.

Tuilaepa will always have his say in House debates whether they like it or not.  Live with it.

Show some leadership backbone if you want to earn respect as leaders.

Loudly professing that leaders are chosen by God are as loud as what there is to say about the actions they take.

By the same token, Tuilaepa, Fonotoe, Lealaileilepule and all other sworn opposition leaders are also chosen by God.

Let them speak. It is their Godly chosen role.

If the ‘Rule Of Law’ is God’s way of showing His chosen leaders for Samoa, then God has spoken for Tuilaepa and Lealailepule.

Move forth.

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