Traffic jams like this one here is now a regular scene around many of the busy streets of Apia and continues to do so. 

When that happens it is a headache for everyone even the pedestrians.

The people who get a lot of gray hairs out of this situation are at the Land and Transport Authority. 

It is their job to set up more infrastructure like parking spaces to keep the cars off the road and clear traffic quickly to make travel easier.

A trial started with paid meters along the busy section of Beach Road to keep traffic moving along.

 instead of one car taking up the space for the whole day, they would have to move off quickly unless they are prepared to meet the parking meter costs. 

Has it worked? There are still jams especially during peak traffic hours. 

Every time that happens the  cry goes out for more, more, more….parking space. Good luck LTA or is it the Police Traffic Division?

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