All merchants and cruise ships have now been notified four months in advance that for the whole period of the Commonwealth Heads Of Government Meeting in October this year, only one large cruise ship to provide rooms for the delegates shall be berthed at our “one-boat only” international port at Matautu. 

This is a worthwhile sacrifice.

CHOGM Leaders, especially from our development partners, will finally be able to see for themselves why Samoa has been actively seeking financial support to build a more modern wharf to meet its growing needs.

In 2014, Samoa’s economy graduated to a middle-income level status. 

And the pressure for more merchant and tourist vessels to serve Samoa continues to grow. 

The most suitable site for Samoa’s port of entry was identified at Vaiusu / Vaitele Bay in a study by marine engineers in the early 70s. 

The proposed site is spacious and safe from dangerous ocean swells. 

But our leaders at the time opted for a cheaper alternative. 

Despite our numerous appeals for assistance, only the Government of the People’s Republic of China responded positively. 

At my last face-to-face meeting with President Xi Jinping in Papua New Guinea, on the occasion of the 2018 APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, he agreed to attend the ground-breaking ceremony for the Vaiusu / Vaitele International Wharf Project at the end of 2019.

The unexpected measles epidemic followed by the covid-19 pandemic disrupted those plans. 

The short-sighted decision by the Faatuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi Government to reject this major project will slow the development of Samoa. 

But for the time being, let us all prepare and decorate our ‘one-boat only’ international port and with uplifted spirits and smiles, welcome King Charles to our beautiful Samoa!

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP Party in Samoa

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