Can’t blame the PM for rushing to slam close the new women MP hot saga as quickly as possible. Too many loud skeletons in the closet to wail condemnation on her FAST party’s handling of the issue.
If the PM and her FAST party wants to truly shut them out, start with an apology to the former Electoral Commissioner Faimalomatumua. It’ll go a long way to oiling the rusty closet hinges.
He was the innocent victim trampled into shameful dirt by their political war-of-power with the HRPP.
The poor man and his family went through hell for standing by his legal opinion that 6 not 5 women is what the 10% legislation allowed.
The court agreed with his legal interpretation not once but twice. First it agreed with 6 and then last week it added one more to make it 7.
Surprise! Surprise! It turned out to be a FAST lady MP. How about that?
What was it again the PM said in Parliament on Tuesday?
“Now that we have the numbers, let’s get down to work.” Yeah right!
Don’t let the justified skeletons in the closet bang up a racket. Close that damn door before it becomes too embarrassingly loud to bear.
Doubt it will go away that easy Madam PM.
Remember that expression ….“ It ain’t over until the fat lady sings.”
“… hey that lady has a voice to scare the skeletons into a shut closet, dear