A recent attack on a family at Vaitele processing sea cucumbers for illegal export is rather strange if it has anything to do with trying to get the police armed.

Talk is rattling like a loose machine gun about the ex-Commissioner putting his foot down on a couple of influential political figures who wanted to open up the police armoury.

According to the talk the same characters asserted their powers in getting the police involved in the family attack.

What makes it bizarre if all this gun talk is true is why would you need powerful automatic rifles to attack a family processing sea cucumbers? 

Surely the family is not going to shoot back.  These are sea cucumbers for goodness sake.  All they shoot is a sticky white substance that you wash off with soap.

Unreal to picture armed attackers rushing in with powerful weapons while the family line in defence holding up…ummm…sea cucumbers!!

As today’s young generation would say.. ‘c’mon fellas be real.’ The only way, remotely possible, for a sea cucumber to kill anyone is to choke on it. 

“….. or be shot in a surprise armed attack, dear. 

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