So if you’re going to hop from Walk Party to Run Party after the 2021 General Elections, you’ll get booted out of the House – that’s the new deal?
No more independent MPs hanging around like lost souls in the hallowed chambers of power. Well, why not!
When it comes to the voting either you vote aye or nay. No more fence sitting, undecided whether to sit, stand, walk or run. Good enough.
On second thoughts, what if you decide to stand as an independent candidate and win? Will the no party hopping law apply to you? Hey, you’re part of no party.
What if it comes to a vote? Will you be breaking the law if you hop around the parties with your vote?
What if you’re given a Cabinet portfolio? Surely that is going to make you a member of the ruling party!
Maybe it’s time to stalk Faimalomatumua for some answers.
“….before you do, hope you’re not thinking of running, dear?