If you want to find out the truth about the vocal minority versus the silent majority go online. 

Click on a news story.  Pick on a Government politician, they’re the hot targets. The build up to the general elections has really brought heavy online traffic from outside Samoa.

 Count the reactions of people who post written comments and those who simply click on ‘like’ or ‘love’ icons without bothering to write anything.

There are other icons as well where you simply tick off a smiling, sad or angry face to show your reaction to the news story.

Count the number of written comments and compare them to the number of icons people clicked on and left.

There are news stories where at least 10 written comments were made and in the case of the politicians about 8 or 9 are basically hate mail.

Compare that to the number of icon clicks.  Most go up to between 100 and 200 clicks and the large majority of maybe 90 percent click ‘like’.  The rest are either smiles or one or two angry faces.

A very interesting observation. Try it and find out for yourself the truth in the vocal minority versus the silent majority.

“…..which one are you into, dear?

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