
Martha Taumata Faavae

Six Chinese forensic pathologists arrving on a chartered flight from China this week are to bring some long awaited relief to a full mortuary at the TTM Hospital, Motootua.

The pathologists would perform  autopsies on a number of bodies housed in the mortuary  for legal and medical purposes to determine the manner and cause of deaths.

“ There are quite a number of bodies in the mortuary at the hospital for these doctors to perform autopsies on.

“It is important to determine the actual cause of death to make sure that no one died in a criminal manner” Leausa Dr Take Naseri the Chief Executive Officer CEO of the Ministry of Health said in a press conference.

The assistance of theses forensic pathologists is greatly welcome for it has been a difficult  task for the Ministry to get people of this medical speciality  to come to Samoa.

Leausa explained that not many people are into this special area of medicine which deals with dead bodies that in some case have been dead for a number of years.  

“In New Zealand  there are only eight forensic pathologists. They are hard to find in countries. So the Ministry is  thankful for the offer from China,”  Leausa said.

The pathologists are among the 165 travellers arriving in Samoa from China.

Some of the people are part of projects already planned  which includes the Police Academy, Matautu Wharf renovation and other huge projects at the hospital.

The group are not exempt from COVID -19 restrictions.

“ They will be tested for the virus. They have informed us they had completed their vaccination but we are requesting them to produce a legitimate copy of  that and a confirmation of a blood test,” Leausa said.

“ Many have been vaccinated for a month and two months.”

Leausa also pointed out that none of those in the group was sick with the virus. Many were in Samoa but have been prevented from returning because of COVID-19.

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