A child’s innocence will always hold a deep soft spot in the heart of any discerning, watchful parent or any other grownup if so.

Matters little whether the youngster is yours or not.

Take these early primary school students, seen here having an enjoyable time with their dancing as part of the day’s organised activity outside the classrooms.

Watch the happy smiles, fun and the joys in what they are doing.  

The sense of carefree participation in their young faces tugs heavily at the heart strings as if your very own child is entertaining for you.

These are students of Faga Primary School performing a school ‘siva’ inside school premises around the end of last year 2022.

New classrooms have just been built for the school and the kids are dancing as a thank you gesture to the Government of Japan for the grant that paid for their new building.

Any donor will feel fully compensated by the understanding that the help they extended to the school will boost the education of these children.

A good schooling goes a long way in giving a child, family, people and country a solid, secure future. 

Seen from a donor-recipient perspective, it all adds up to a ‘win-win’ for everyone involved.

Occasions like this are to be thankful for and quite rightly, celebrated with a happy, joyful ‘siva’ as these Faga students are doing.

Merry Xmas Samoa.

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