Vailima Carmelite Sisters with generous donors
By Staff Writer

The giving spirit of Christmas arrived early for the Sisters of the Poor for care of the elderly at the Mapuifagalele Home for the Aged and the Carmelite Sisters at Vailima.
The two orders of Catholic nuns shared in a total donation of ST$55,000 raised by four club organisations of Samoans with membership in Samoa and New Zealand.
The Mapuifagalele Home for the Aged and the Carmelite Sisters each received ST$25,000.
Another ST$5,000 was gifted to the Carmelite Sisters in Royal Oak, New Zealand.
The fundraising organised by Pacific Easy Money and Moana Rentals, each raised ST$15,000.
The New Zealand based 4SJC88 Ma Uso club and the Ka’akia Mai Club topped up the full $55,000 amount from their own fundraising
The 4SJC88 is the Form 4 Class of 1988, St Joseph’s College. It has 2 chapters, one in Samoa and one in NZ.
Tuatagaloa is the President of the Samoan Chapter whilst the President of the NZ Chapter is Peseta Faimalo Allan Stowers with Lafaitele Danny Leaupepe as Secretary.
The fund raising drive collected on contributions from the Pacific Ezy Money and donation from Moana Rentals.
A music concert last Saturday 9th December 2023 at Otara Town Centre raised ST$25k to make up the full donation.
“I want to express my gratitude to all the artists and bands that gave up their time to perform last Saturday,” Peseta acknowledged the support shown.
“I also want to thank the Pastors and Churches who supported the concert as well as members of the public who donated through our various Pacific Ezy Money branches around NZ.
“A special mention also of the support of SCOPA, ACOPA and Marist Brothers Old Pupils and Marist Seniors within NZ.”
Tuatagaloa, “I want to acknowledge Peseta Faimalo Allan Stowers and usos for spearheading our fundraising events, particularly in New Zealand. This is our 4th year of donating to Mapuifagalele and the Carmelite Nuns.”
The Samoan chapter of the 4SJC88 Ma Uso Club, Tuatagaloa complimented the effort by the New Zealand chapter of the Club under the leadership of Peseta.
“I want to acknowledge Peseta Faimalo Allan Stowers and usos for spearheading our fundraising events, particularly in New Zealand.
“This is our 4th year of donating to Mapuifagalele and the Carmelite Nuns.”