Martha Taumata Faavae

The 16- year old male confirmed carrier of the COVID-19 virus was the cause of worried phone calls to the Ministry of Health when he was seen with his family out in public.

Director General of Health, Leausa Dr. Take Naseri confirmed the phone calls.

“The young male was seen at church with his family and people were worried enough to call us about it,” Leausa disclosed.

The young carrier was relocated from the TTM Hospital after three weeks of isolation continued into home quarantine with his mother.

Health officials maintained a close watch on them as well as continuing with their tests.  A week ago Friday the carrier was tested negative and also the following day on Saturday.

The youth turned up in Samoa undetected all the way from the US until the virus showed up on his arrival.

He was discovered to be asymptomatic.

His mother who travelled with him tested negative on arrival and for the next three weeks stayed under managed isolation.

Leausa is now able to declare that Samoa is free and safe from the global pandemic spread after the young carrier was declared virus free.  

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