Children celebrate White Sunday at New Wine Worship Centre

White Sunday is a major religious occasion celebrated across Samoa as it did last Sunday 11 October 2020.

It is a special Sunday held every year for the children.  White Sunday is the day the young in Samoa minister to the parents and adults.

 Most of the senior folks end up sitting on the edges of their seat, anxious at their own children’s performance.

At New Wine Worship Centre, recited selected bible versus, sing, dance and act out in group skits.

Among the parents were grandparents, aunties, uncles, friends and a sprinkle of ‘aiga’ or other family members.

White Sunday comes only once a year and the rush in the congregation is to be there and not miss out on this special treat.

The New Wine went with the ‘new norms’ the coronavirus pandemic has effectively re-arranged in our social lifestyle, by streamlining live on the Internet the children’s service.

The online link gave parents of some of the children stranded outside Samoa by the border lockdown under the state of emergency, a chance to see their children’s White Sunday performances.

White Sunday in Samoa turns virtually white with children all dressed up in their Sunday best for their only day to lead the adults in Sunday worship.

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