By Martha Taumata Fa’avae

A Vaimoso family’s breathtaking display of Christmas lights along a busy road front section heading into Fugalei, has once again captured the attention and imagination of the traveling public in the area.

The arrangement of lights with a selected theme every holiday season has become a family Christmas tradition for more than 10 years.

Leapai Brown who is the mastermind behind the creation of lights that runs up a weekly $1000 cash power bill, bear the costs willingly as worthy of the spirit of Christmas. 

“People enjoy the lights and to me personally one of my main joys is to see the children walk past and watch their attention caught up fully with the lights,” Leapai told Newsline Samoa.

“The happy faces of the children and the spirit of Christmas the lights created in them is my personal reward for setting up these lights every year.”

The display last year showed Santa Claus riding on a bike delivering Xmas presents but for this year he is seen on a surfing board riding out on his normal Xmas delivery run.

  “COVID-19 travel restrictions has kept me from going off island to buy more lights to add to the ones my young cousins usually store safely after every year for re-use.”

The Leapai Brown home is a multi-storey building on the town side of the road that faces out directly to the Vaimoso inter-section that branches out into the Fugalei way.

The display of lights covers the whole building and spills out into the front lawn and the surrounding tall trees that run along the side of the road.

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