Tiumalumatua Fetu is a free man.  

Police charges against him for offensive remarks, reportedly in a church sermon he delivered, were today dismissed in the District Court.

Judge Leota Ray Schuster threw out police criminal allegations under Section 117A of the Crimes Act 2013, that Tiumalumatua published false claims to cause harm.

The court dismissal upheld the legal argument by defence solicitors Lemisio and Ainuu there was no case to answer.

Judge Leota agreed when he ruled there were not enough evidence by the police to prove the charges.

Tiumalumatua’s legal ordeal started in early July when he traveled to Samoa from Australia where he is a resident.

He came to attend and celebrate the ordination of his son as a new minister of the Methodist Church in Samoa during the church’s annual conference.

He was unable to return to Australia when police brought charges against him and was forced to surrender his passport to await court hearing.

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