Leader of the Human Rights Protection Party, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi says if the 5 Supreme Court judges appointed from New Zealand last week will mean decisions made with honesty and integrity, then he welcomes the decision.

But he has questioned the timing of the appointments made last week by the Samoa Judicial Commission.

“Why didn’t they appoint them when we asked for palagi judges to handle the appeal case to replace Chief Justice Satiu,” asked Tuilaepa.

He said the decision has come too late and after the fact.

“It’s like they’re trying to appease things and tidy up their mess when it’s too late,” he added.

The former Prime Minister also questions some logistics in the appointment of Justices Robert Fisher, Peter Blanchard, Rhys Harrison, Rodney Hansen and Raynor Asher.

Tuilaepa wants to know how much of taxpayer funds will be spent on the five judges over their two year contracts.

“And what work will our current lot of high paid Supreme Court judges be doing if these five are going to do their work for them?”

Tuilaepa also believes that the appointments will also block the pathway for the District Court judges to progress on to the Supreme Court.

He said he is also wary of the fact that all five judges are listed in Kiwisfirst.com a web site that divulges information about all New Zealand judges, as specialising in commercial law.

“There are plenty of questions that need to be answered and that is the use of opposition parties, to let governments know they are under scrutiny at all times”.

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