Samoa’s leader of the Opposition Human Rights Protection Party, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, has called on the legal adviser for the Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi government, Taulapapa Brenda Heather -Latu, to stop inciting civil unrest amongst peace loving Samoans by spreading lies and misinformation about what the HRPP is doing as a party in opposition.

Taulapapa earlier today spoke with two Pacific Newsroom journalists in Sue Ahearn and Michael Field and told them Tuilaepa was “plotting civil unrest that will climax when Parliament meets next month.

According to Michael Field, who is a close friend of staunch FAST supporter and his former boss, Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi, Taulapapa suggested the only way to stop Tuilaepa was to jail him under serious charges which could include treason.

Tuilaepa said on Saturday night that if anyone is to be charged with treason, it is Taulapapa and her lawyer husband, who usurped the Constitutional powers of the Head of State, by conducting the ad hoc swearing in of the laughable FAST government.

“And you can jail Fiame and Laauli for treason as well,” said Tuilaepa.

At a Friday HRPP meeting attended by more than seven hundred supporters, Tuilaepa called for Samoans to assemble at Parliament grounds when Parliament meets to see for themselves what will transpire under the court appointed new FAST government.

Tuilaepa said he fully expects all HRPP elected members of Parliament not to be sworn in by the new FAST Speaker and he wanted the whole country, especially the constituents who voted them in, to witness this “historic illegal event”.

He stressed that he wants to see all families, friends and supporters of HRPP attend and witness the events when parliament next convenes, as FAST and supporters did under the tent 24 May 2021.

Tuilaepa is flabbergasted that Taulapapa has leaked to overseas media that the “Parliamentary opening” will be on 20 September before it is announced officially in a writ from the Head of State or announced by the Prime Minister herself.

According to the country’s longest serving Prime Minister, Taulapapa and Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa are acting illegally themselves by having Taulapapa advising the government on legal matters when there is a legally appointed and competent Attorney General in office whose job it is to advice government.

Taulapapa told the New Zealand based journalists that there was currently HRPP intimidation of judges and lawyers, a police force unable to stop it and sabotage within the Tuila’epa controlled civil service, all aimed at returning the defeated prime minister to office.

Speaking this afternoon, Tuilaepa said what Taulapapa falsely interprets as intimidation of the judges and lawyers, is actually a political party leader exercising his right of free speech.

“These people are not above public scrutiny, especially if their decisions are perceived as being biased and untruthful, which is what we honestly believe,” he said.

Taulapapa herself is not without fault while working as Attorney General under the Human Rights Protection Party according to Tuilaepa.

He said he and his Party believe that the present government is in office illegally and they, advised by Taulapapa, know it.

“The Court of Appeal made their biased decision knowing full well it could not be appealed. They are hiding behind the law,” he said.

“By reversing the Supreme Court decision that found the tent swearing in illegal and unconstitutional, we believe they effectively put in place an illegal government to run the country”.

Tuilaepa said Taulapapa has an axe to grind after she left her AG position in a huff with the Minister of Health and then deputy leader Tuilaepa gave her “fatherly advice” to stay on.

Tuilaepa said to expect that there will be more from him to elaborate on the events leading to Taulapapa leaving the AG’s position and which will effectively quash and correct Taulapapa’s idiotic propaganda.

Taulapapa worked under former Prime Minister Tofilau Eti Alesana who on occasion didn’t hesitate to censure her for questionable judgement and then under Tuilaepa she could not stand the heat and stepped out of the kitchen.

She also worked closely with the judicial in protesting the three HRPP laws and Constitutional amendment which formalized an independent Land and Titles Court.

Tuilaepa told the meeting today he cannot wait to get into Parliament where the real debate will happen.

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