Traditional tattooing has become one of the main cultural activities attracting high tourists interests during Teuila Festivals.

The recent Teuila Festival was no exception.

Many of the overseas travellers took in the view while on a leisurely stroll at the Teuila Festival village, inside the Samoa Tourism Authority compound.

Samoan tattooists pounded away with wooden sticks on sharp instruments smeared with black ink to puncture and mark the body, as tourists watched.

Many watched from just outside the small ‘fale’ where it was done.

The Samoan culture takes the traditional art of tattooing seriously, with only a selected few allowed into the ‘fale’.

Those allowed inside are required to show respect by sitting properly on folded legs and not to cause any distractions.

Visitors who ventured close to the ‘fale’ hoping to take photos were shushed away by a ‘no photos allowed’ notice.

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