By Martha Taumata Faavae

Three new judges of the Lands and Titles Court were sworn in this morning at the Mulinu’u Court House.

The President of the Lands and Titles Court Fepulea’i Atila Fepulea’i swore in Judges Iuli Auga Sefo Fautaalii, Tuilagi Fuluifaga Saipele Esera and Tuioti Folasa Sakaria Taituave.

The new judges have raised the overall total to 25 who preside over court hearings on matters of the Lands and Titles Court in Mulinu’u for Upolu and Tuasivi for Savaii.

The Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi led the large turnout of guests, families and friends to the morning ceremony.

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