By Martha Taumata Faavae

A 63year old mother of Nofoali’i walked off last week with top honours as the best graduate for 2021 at the Tesese Institute For Administrative Studies.

Ms. Evelina Tauti Laulu headed the list of 70 new graduates awarded diplomas and certificates in administration and computing from the Lalovaea based Institute.

An added bonus for Ms Laulu is the offer of a teaching job at Tesese next year.

“It’s a blessing really because it is not normal for a person at my age to be hired at 63 years old for a job,” Ms Laulu confirmed an offer by the Institute 2 weeks before the term ended.

“Whatever will be will be”.

The Nofoali’i mother is a volunteer worker as a Self Reliance Programme run by her church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Mr. Laulu admitted that her studies were a struggle mainly with transportation because of the distance.

She also had to organise her children when she has night classes during the week.

“Sometimes I had to look for a ride home after classes and it’s easier to hitch a ride with classmates who live at Samatau unless they are not in class.”

The Tesese graduate is hopeful that her achievement will serve as an example for her children to appreciate the value of education at whatever age.

She would also like to encourage young people employed at menial jobs to continue their education.

“ It is always reassuring to have an educational qualification to fall back on when needed like when looking for a new job.”

Laulu lived in the United States with her husband before he died and she had to return home to care for her family.

Her graduating class is now added as part of the Tesese Institute for Administrative Studies 55 year old history.

There was a strong sense of sadness at the end of year celebration for the institute with the passing last October of its late principal Mekala Tele’a Malaitai.

She too was a former student who stayed on to teach and run organise the activities of the school.

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