By Mataeliga Pio Sioa

TV1 may have its broadcast license pulled by the Regulator’s Office for ‘airing and streaming’ the popular talk show ‘Good Morning Samoa’ and ‘Faatalanoaga male Taitai o le Itu Agai’ with the leaders of the Human Rights Protection Party,

The Regulator, Lematua Gisa Purcell, has written to the television station to refrain from running programmes that will stir up the viewers and listeners after complaints from the general public.

The warning is from what the Regulator’s letter alleged to be complaints by the general public at the contentious reactions provoked by the political agendas the opposition leader raised on television.

“TV1 is strongly advised to take heed and observe the above warning. Failure to adhere to this warning may result in suspension or revocation of your Broadcasting License” wrote the Regulator.

The threat to TV1 is starting to stir reactions in protest against Government for an obvious attempt to censure freedom of expression that is guaranteed as a Constitutional right in Samoa.

“What I’d advise TV1 to do is to find out who the complainants are and what exactly are they complaining about because the ones quoted in the letter are very broad,’ advised Maiava Visektoa Peteru, a lawyer and advocator for the HRPP on the party’s online page.

“It’ll be interesting to watch how this will develop.”

Outspoken opposition MP and HRPP party, Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi, is shaken by the deeper implications behind the Regulator’s warning to the freedom of every Samoan to speak out without fear.

“I’m really scared at how this Government is coming out with this kind of censure forced on the rights of every Samoan and the fear it will create in our local society,” MP Lealailepule felt.

“If anything, this shows up the level of maturity in this young Government’s leadership, and that is a major concern at where it will lead the peace and security of Samoa.”

The targeting of just TV1 by the warning and not the other television stations that aired political content as well has fired up more public protest against a political agenda by the Government.

Pointed public remarks have been made about the  FAST GOVT. ‘go to’ television station EFKS TV not receiving any similar warning letter as well.  

 There is, however, a general understanding by the increasing swell of criticisms that the Regulator should not be blamed for the letter as she was only doing her job.

Regulator Lematua has been put in an awkward position as the wife of the former HRPP Minister of Commerce Industry and Labour. Lautafi Selafi Purcell.

The Regulators letter has been circulated widely on social media and is reprinted below in full :

 Galumalemana Faiesea Lei Sam Matafeo

 Chief Executive Officer

 Samoa Broadcasting Corporation Ltd (TV1)



 Pursuant to Broadcasting Act 2010 (Act) and the role of the Office of the Regulator with regards to disputes handling the above is brought for your attention.

Samoa Broadcasting Corporation Ltd (TV 1) is hereby warned to refrain from streaming and airing programs via any means that will provoke contentious behaviors of listeners and viewers on the internet.

 The warning is a result of numerous complaints lodged against TV 1 by the general public who are irritated and exasperated by the demeaning comments and vulgar language used to express their emotions and opinions on social media that were instigated from your programs’ political agendas on the Good Morning Samoa and Fa’atalanoaga ma le Taitai ole itu agai HRPP.

 Under rule 3 and 6 of the Broadcasting (Standards and Policy, License Categories and Conditions) Rules 2019 (Rules) TV 1 should have taken reasonable steps to establish and respect the: community standards in determining the content of the material that is caused to be broadcast; time of the broadcast; and Sensibilities of the audience that can reasonably be expected to hear or view the material at those times.

TV 1 under Section 22 of the Act must; Comply with the laws of Samoa, including and without limitations, rules, regulations, orders and codes of practice made in accordance with Samoan laws In light of the above, TV 1 is strongly advised to take heed and observe the above warning.

Failure to adhere to this warning may result in suspension or revocation of your Broadcasting License. Sincerely, ____________

Lematua Gisa Fuatai Purcell


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