The Samoa Tourism Authority CEO Fa’amatuainu Mr. Lenata’i Suifua, has stepped up as interim head of the Pacific Tourism Organisation, SPTO.

Fa’amatuainu takes over from the Cook Island’s Tourism CEO Mr. Halatoa Fua who resigned as SPTO Chairman of the Board.

The STA boss moves up from his official role as Deputy Chairman of the Board until May next year when the SPTO Board votes in a new Chairman.

Fa’amatuainu, acknowledged the stewardship of the outgoing Chairman.

His valuable contributions to the advancement of the sustainable tourism agenda at the regional level was recognised especially during a time of unprecedented uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The resignation follows Mr. Halatoa Fua’s decision to step down as the CEO of Cook Islands Tourism a role he’s held for 10-years.

He will complete his tenure there in January 2022.

 ‘I wish to personally thank Halatoa for his leadership and immense contribution to the work of the Board and also congratulate him in his new appointment as the Director of the Cook Islands National Environment Service’, Fa’amatuainu offered.

‘I am honoured to take on the role of Chairman and I look forward to working closely with the CEO and Directors to ensure a smooth transition and continuity in terms of governance and strategy’.  

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