PRESS STATEMENT – The European Union (EU) in partnership with the Government of Samoa through the Civil Society Support Programme II (CSSP II) committed EUR490,000 (approximately SAT 1,485,000) to the Samoa Independent Water Schemes Association (SWISA) in its continuous efforts to build the capacity of Independent Water Scheme (IWS) communities to improve the management of their water supply networks.

 One of the initiatives under this project is the pilot of standalone UV (Ultra Violet) Filtration System Kiosks for the following ten IWS communities to access clean safe drinking water:

1. Sataoa IWS, 2. Manunu IWS, 3. Aufaga IWS, 4. Nuusuatia IWS, 5. Uafato IWS, 6. Maasina IWS, 7. Lona IWS, 8. Patamea IWS, 9. Salailua IWS, 10. Paia IWS

The kiosks are positioned where it is easily accessible by all members of the community. The UV Filtration System eliminates bacteria such as E.coli as well as filters out sediments from the water.

The communities are encouraged to take drinking water from the kiosk at no additional cost and use within their households under hygienic conditions.

 Communities have also been advised on the storage of water within the households using WASH practices.

Of the ten kiosks, IWSA has launched this week four at the following locations: Sataoa IWS, Nuusuatia IWS, Aufaga IWS and Manunu IWS.

This UV Kiosk project will benefit almost five thousand people from both Upolu and Savaii whose water networks are without treatment.

This EU‐funded project shall therefore contribute to the increase of the population of Samoa with access to safe drinking water that complies with Samoa’s 2016 National Drinking Water Standards.

This project is worth close to SAT 200,000.

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