By Martha Taumata-Fa’avae

More than 100 students in the Robert Louis Stevenson college roll were told to stand up to cyber bullying at the beginning of the week just ended.

Regulator Lematua Gisa Fuata’i Purcell made the call in an awareness presentation before the students at the request of the principal and staff of the Tafaigata based college.

Regulator Lematua warned that cyber bullying is a serious threat to the safety of young people everywhere in the world with access to the Internet.

College principal Ms. Fiaapia Devoe brought up her concerns for the students with the Regulator to set up the awareness session.

“This is the first time the issue is brought to the attention of the whole school and credit to the Principal and her staff for taking it up because it’s a concern that affects not just Samoa,” Lematua explained.

Online programmes like What’s App, Instagram and Texting among others are blamed for youth problems as serious as suicide, according to the Regulator.

Studies on the issue have already identified the creating of a higher level of awareness in the youth as the most effective response, according to the Robert Louis Stevenson invited speaker.

“Our offer of help is to create more awareness for students as done with this open presentation where we encourage them to ignore what comes out online.

“But telling them to ignore what they see is easier said than done so they should be encouraged to act smart and maintain their high standards rather than have to stoop to the level of bullies.

“As students they should learn to keep their heads up and believe in themselves rather than what others say about them.”

Students were encouraged to find someone they can trust to confide in like parents.”

Lematua referred to a programme run by her office to urge parents to talk to their children, hear them out and share in their concerns.

Building close ties between parents and children is proven to be most effective counter measure everywhere in the world against online bullying.

College Principal Devoe agreed and added as well that she and her staff have been working along those concerns.

The school has a no cellphone policy for students as a counter measure against cyber bullying.

“We’re also getting everyone to speak out when they have a problem so we can come in and help out.”

Students are being taught not to speak if they have nothing nice to say about somebody else as part of their safety awareness.   

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