New CEOs and Heads of SOEs getting ready to be sworn-in

By Staff Writer

Re-appointed CEOs in Government Ministries and Heads of State Owned Enterprises were not included in the Government swearing in today at the TATTE Convention Centre.

The standard process is for CEOs and Heads of SOEs with renewed contracts to sign up again and be officially sworn in for new added terms in office.

There are reportedly 5 re-appointed CEOs not included in today’s formal confirmation of their new three- year contracts.

This is the first swearing in for top officials in the public sector since the FAST Government took over just over a year and a half of their 5 year tenure.

Whether this is a new policy is uncertain, but the Government leader PM Fiame Naomi Mataafa delivered the keynote address at the swearing in.

All the four CEOs and three Heads of SOEs sworn in today are first contract holders, some starting several months ago while others just recently.

The newly appointed Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Nonu Lemauga Saleimoa Vaai and two other Commissioners also took their oath, Fonoti Perelini and Gatoloai Tilianamua Afamasaga.

Large turnout for the TATTE swearing in

Two of the new members of the Remuneration Tribunal were sworn in as well.  A third was unable to attend.

Several bigger Ministries are still without CEOs, including the Ministry of Health, Office of the Attorney General, Office of the Electoral Commissioner, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Revenue.

Controversy continues to linger over the removal of the CEOs from these Ministries either by not renewing contracts or outright termination of service.

No indications yet of when any new replacement appointments are to be made for the vacant positions.

A full turnout of invited guests, families, friends, Ministry staff and even a church choir took up the space at the convention centre.

The Head of State, His Highness Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aleto’a Sualauvi II and Masiofo Fa’amausili attended along with the Member of the Council of Deputies, Le Mamea Ropati.

Cabinet Ministers took up the front seats with CEOs attending from other Ministries and SOEs sitting right behind them.

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