By Staff Writer

Public servants are to ‘take reasonable care’ not to express any political bias on social media that will question the independent status of the service.

The Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Aiono Mr. Moe Sua, has defended the official advisory as a reminder ‘to all public servants and employees.’

“The notice is to advice not to warn public servants about their responsibilities,” Aiono told Newsline Samoa when asked about the notice circulated inside the service.

Chairman Aiono circulated his official reminding notice yesterday, Wednesday 14 April 2021.

Government is at a sensitive political moment with a new ruling party yet to be decided between the two main parties currently at a deadlock, with 25 seats each in the 51-member Parliament.

“The Commission recognises that employees of the public service have a right to express their views on social media but it must be balance with the need to be as a trusted and impartial public servant,” Aiono counseled.

He went on to quote the Public Service Act 2004 for public servants to uphold the code of conduct and values of the service as ‘impartiality and respect’ to ensure they fulfil their duties in a professional unbiased manner.

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