Martha Taumata Faavae

The presence of the Head of State at the swearing-in ceremony of the interim Attorney General last week has not gone unnoticed to the leader of the Human Rights Protection Party HRPP Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi.

Tuilaepa pointed out that the Head of State being part of the ceremony which was attended by a small number of people gave dignity to the occasion.

This Tuilaepa said is something that should be noted by the Chief Justice Satiu Simativa Perese who attended the swearing –in ceremony of Su’a Hellene Wallwork-Lamb as the interim Attorney General at Vailele.

 “ I’m glad the Chief Justice attended the swearing in of the Attorney General  at Vailele and witnessed that such occasions are very dignified,” Tuilaepa said in a press conference last week.

This is the same protocol that is observed in the swearing–in of the Chief Executive Officers CEO of the government ministries and Members of Parliament Tuilaepa pointed out.

“ There is however a slight difference in the swearing–in ceremony of Members of Parliament.

“The swearing in of Members of Parliament is required under the Standing Orders. Also required is the attendance of the Head of State to officially open Parliament.”

Tuilaepa also explained it is also required for the mace to be placed on the table before any Parliament starts its sitting. The mace is the symbol of the authority of Parliament and is carried into and out of Parliament each sitting day by the sergeant of arms. 

Tuilaepa added this symbol of the authority of Parliament was absent from the swearing in ceremony of the Members of Parliament  of the Faatuatua I le Atua Samoa Ua Tasi  FAST Party  carried out under the tent set up in front of the Parliament House. Also absent from the swearing in were the Head of State, the Attorney General and the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

This he said is not in accordance to the norms and ways of the country and therefore lacked dignity.

He pointed to the swearing-in of the new Attorney General last week as the dignified way as it was done accordingly to the norms of the country.

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