By Staff Writer
The Parliamentary grounds at Mulinu’u was the setting for a Friday protest march by the SSIG political group, in support of the Samoa Law Society’s opposition to changes that are being proposed to the Constitution.
A crowd of close to 50 old men and women all the way down to children marched.
The group was escorted to Mulinu’u by a procession of cars decorated with banners and placards to highlight their concerns.
The small group gathered infront of the Parliament steps around mid-morning before moving across to the Tofilau Eti Alesana Building to demonstrate.
Members of the Parliamentary Select Committee were forced to delay a scheduled meeting with the Samoa Law Society to attend to the protesters.
The group dispersed quietly after they had voiced their concerns and were accepted by the Select Committee.
The Law Society, however, were unaware of the protest march as they waited inside the Building lounge to be called before the Committee.