HOUSE CHOICE : Whether she stays on or not as Govt. leader, PM Fiame has left the decision to any vote of confidence in Parliament.
By Staff Writer
Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mataafa, has left the final decision on the confidence in her leadership of Government for Parliament to decide.
The Government leader made her intentions clear in a ministerial address in the House this morning.
PM Fiame officially informed Members of irreconcilable loyalty divisions in the ruling ‘ Fa’atuatua Ua Ile Atua Ua Tasi Samoa, FAST party.
Criminal charges brought against the Party Chairman and former Minister of Agriculture, Laauli Leuatea Fosi Schmidt, is blamed.
She did not, however, wanted to go into details of the members loyalty behind the party’s collapse of unity.
“The split up in the party is over some of the members with the expressed belief they no longer have the confidence in my leadership,” PM Fiame openly admitted.

“Cabinet Ministers and associates were removed and replaced by new appointments to continue the running of Government.”
What happens next as far the PM is concerned is all up to Parliament to decide based on a process of law already in place to follow.
“Any changes in Government leadership depends on where the House majority vote lies.
“ It is also clear the PM is to advise the Head of State about no longer having the confidence of Parliament and who will then in turn call for general elections.”
PM Fiame noted a similar leadership change in 1982 when political parties indecisions forced the country to go through a series of Prime Ministers..
“I am ready to accept any vote of confidence in the House when that happens, whereas for now my Cabinet and I will continue with our work until then.”
When or if any vote of confidence against the PM is likely to come up in the House session currently underway is unclear.
The PM’s decisive action, however, effectively diffused national tensions leading up to the opening this morning of the first session of Parliament for 2025.