…..   the automatic camera date on the bottom right corner of this photo shows that it is now going on 10 years ago since this shot of a pack of roaming dogs in Apia was taken. 

Back then Apia had a street dog issue that needed to be handled.   The work fell to our police people and a special dog catching division was set up together with a dog pen at Tuanaimato.

Quietly over the years hardly any more scenes like in this photo appeared on the streets of Apia. 

No more loud complaints either of roaming dogs or packs of them giving people hard times.

Did our police do a good job or were families looking after their pet dogs better than it was before.

 If the poor animals no longer wander off in search of food then something must be working right.  Maybe both are.

Community awareness and good policing work equals non-roaming dog streets of Apia.

One good work we can all be grateful for in our Samoa.

One thought on “OUR SAMOA : Dog-gone work pays off”
  1. it will be nice to have something in place for all families of the villages who have dogs to stop them from roaming on to the streets and attacking people. they should ban dogs on the road unless they have a lead .
    thank you

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