Never a dull moment with children

….the curiousity of an innocent child is one that will always brighten the heart of a watching adult.

Parents and especially grandparents are easily caught up in children being children.  

Kids in their own ways have a strong hold on us adults and that is probably to do with knowing accepting that once we were children.

Take the questioning look on this young fella sitting on his mum’s laps inside the car. A camera held up the window in a car across from him caught his eye.

Whether he knows that his photo is taken is anyone’s guess but the curious look in his eyes is seriously questioning what he is seeing. 

In his young age it will probably interest him for a short while and will ask about it before his attention is dragged away somewhere else.

One day he will grow up and when someone sticks a camera out of a car window he’ll only give it a passing glance knowing already what it is.  

Such is the story of life we live everyday in passages.  Young….grown-up…old …tofa soifua.

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