By Staff Writer

The month of October maybe winding down to a week or so left to go but not before it is stamped a ‘Special Month’ by the HRPP Opposition leader, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi.

What has become a national obsession with the hosting of the Commonwealth Leaders meeting this week in Samoa is the overwhelming event of public interest for the month.

While Tuilaepa is held captivated like everyone else by CHOGM, an event he made possible for Samoa to host, but there are other events of importance, deserving of the recognition in praise of the 10th month of 2024.

The former PM’s October recognition as a special month was detailed in a Letter to the Editor circulated to the local media as reprinted below :

October:  A Truly Special Month for Samoa

October is a special month for Samoans.

It is when we celebrate White Sunday, where families come together to reaffirm their Christian values, strengthen their bonds and celebrate our children who are the future of our nation.

It is a time to make many special memories that we all hold dear to our hearts. 

Watching our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren dressed in their best white outfits. 

Reciting their bible verses in the longest church service of the year has always been the highlight of our White Sundays.

As we watch our children enjoy themselves, we also remember our parents who each year made the sacrifices to make this a truly special day. 

Our children always look forward to new white dresses and shirts, special gifts and delicious food prepared for White Sunday to’onai. 

Somehow parents always make it happen, with love.

And it is a special occasion for businesses to increase their sales revenue. 

This is also the month when we commemorate Pink October.

It reminds us to make sure that our grandmothers, daughters, sisters, and nieces are screened for any cancerous risks to their health. 

Cancer is not selective about who it strikes.

I had the special privilege of meeting many cancer victims who fought the brave fight and used their experience to bring awareness to the need for early screening and treatment. 

I even had my head shaved bald in a fundraising event that was full of fun, which I will always remember fondly.

They were courageous people of all ages and from all walks of life. 

From young children to professionals and a former Miss Samoa who was dignified and poised in her fight. 

They are our heroes.

October is the month of heavy rainfalls that last several days, with flooding, thunder and lightning storms, and strong easterly winds that signal the rise of the palolo – our special Samoan caviar. 

This delicacy rises from the coral at 5am in Samoan waters, but in American Samoan reefs, they rise at 12am. 

The palolo is a worm-like creature that lives in shallow coral reefs and each year it rises in October and November coinciding with the seventh day following the full moon.

And it is also the month for hosting CHOGM in Samoa this year.

May our Octobers continue to be filled with special memories and inspire us to greater days ahead.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

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