The time has finally arrived for us to welcome His Majesty King Charles III and our Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting guests with our warm hospitality and Samoan smiles.

In addition to all the cultural exchanges, CHOGM is a unique opportunity for us to learn from some of the world’s leading experts who will be here to discuss the big issues impacting developing nations like Samoa.

Let us take full advantage of this opportunity and register ahead and contribute to all the side events during CHOGM.

This is also our chance to discuss solutions to the challenges and threats, including the climate catastrophe that is confronting the world today. 

All nations, whether developed or developing will face the dire consequences of the global temperature rising above the agreed limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius by the year 2100.

The science and data are clear. 

We must end our reliance on fossil fuels. 

There are alternative renewable energy sources for our world to use and technological advancements in this area already exist. 

However, we will never reach the agreed limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius unless the most powerful countries that produce the most carbon dioxide have the moral courage to stop using fossil fuels and commit to just energy transition.

It was my privilege to join fellow world leaders as Samoa’s signatory of the Paris Agreement. 

However, we were fully aware that it was an agreement that was not as binding as a Treaty. 

It was a necessary compromise, since a Treaty, under US Law, would require the approval of the US Congress dominated by Republicans who opposed the 1.5 degrees temperature limit that was spearheaded by the Pacific Small Island Countries’ leaders. 

Samoa was among the leaders who drove the argument for climate change solutions.

Commonwealth leaders will also confront other issues including human rights abuses and the use of technology to create instability in small island countries that were discussed at our meeting in London. 

Some of these issues are getting worse and must be addressed again when they meet here in Samoa.

We wish our Commonwealth visitors a successful CHOGM and that they will take back happy memories of their visit to our beautiful shores. 

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

Prime Minister of Samoa 1998 – 2021

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