It is a secret no more that despite advices for safety reasons against the reopening of the Fagalii Airport, the Government decided to go ahead and resume flights to and from American Samoa as from last Monday.

The Prime Minister Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa, who presided over the Fagalii reopening ceremony before the Independence celebrations 1 June 2023, was deputy Prime Minister in the HRPP Cabinet that officially closed down this Airport for the same reason that the runway was too short and therefore unsafe to the traveling public. 

These written advices are available in Cabinet Files.

Quite obviously, safety is not a priority to the present Government. 

The convenience for business travel by friends of the Ministers is more important. 

Only the Government owned Samoa Airways complied with the Governments directive for understandable reasons, but the privately-owned Talofa Airways continued their services to and from Faleolo Airport, thereby giving a choice to travelers who valued their safety. 

The limited spaces offered by Talofa Airways to and from American Samoa means the rest of the travelling public are forced to fly on Samoa Airways, risking their lives by using the Fagalii Airport.

The Chief Executive Officer of Samoa Airways has already publicly announced the need to raise airfares on the Fagalii – Pago Pago routes to cover the huge additional costs to the airline due to the sky-rocketing of administration costs for additional staff, office equipment, electricity etc, to handle the same number of flights now diverted to Fagalii.

Government services provided by Health, Customs, Immigration, Agriculture, Fire Services and Police will double as well.

Several pilots have also expressed reservations publicly on the reopening of the Fagalii Airport without the changes promised by the Minister. 

The runway is too short and with the trees, electricity poles, the Digicel tower and permanent houses at the western end of the runway, with trees, valley and river at the eastern end, the pilots often land their planes in the middle of the runway during bad weather for safety. 

Near fatal accidents have happened in the past which justified the decision to close the Airport. 

Mention was made recently by the CEO of Samoa Airways of the high maintenance and replacement costs of landing gears activated to slow down the aircraft for every landing at Fagalii Airport due to the shortness of the runway.

Since the Government is hell bent to force our people to fly from Fagalii Airport enroute to American Samoa, the alternative for Government to consider is to allow several flights daily from Faleolo Airport to American Samoa and back to cater for those who want to exercise their freedom of choice. 

In making this suggestion, we are also mindful of Fiame’s statement in Parliament many times that her Government can do anything regardless of the law.

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

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