This week, we learned with great concern of the detention at Auckland Airport of both the Speaker and the Minister of Justice.

A few days ago, it was the opening of an over-priced, unnecessary regional airport built for show and lacking basic drainage systems, costing taxpayers $25 million tala! 

Before that, we witnessed the forced illegal takeover of government land at Faleolo by the village of the Minister of Lands, now used for their taro plantation. 

The Minister had already denied any knowledge of this illegal act.

We also saw Prime Minister Fiame’s outright reject assistance for the citizenship rights of Samoans abroad, citing confusion over our independent status and laws that already permit multi-citizenship for all Samoans.

The picture is clear. 

No one is in control, and no one seems to know what to do.

Normally, one might expect leaders in such disarray to resign. 

But stepping down is never an option for this government. Why? 

Is it because they want to make the most of their remaining time, regardless of the consequences?

Meanwhile, unresolved scandals pile up. 

Nothing has been done about the illegal entry of the pleasure boat Kyte Runner, the landing from American Samoa of an uncertified overseas airplane, the 400-acre land scam, or the questionable American Samoa cash payments involving a government minister. 

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange issue remains unaddressed, as does the long-awaited court decision on a key witness who was apprehended by Police at the Speaker’s law firm, who could shed light on the murder of Tuau. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Samoa now finds itself categorized as being worse than the poorest-run African nations in modern times.å

What more embarrassments are in store to shock the Nation over the next 12 months?

Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi

Leader of HRPP

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