Remember, all that’s needed for evil to grow is for good civil citizens to do nothing. It took about 40 years of hard toil and struggle for HRPP to get the 2/3 majority in parliament it had, and all of it was duly voted in by Samoa.

Many good deeds were achieved during their journey and the country progressed from poverty to prosperity.

Many would argue that FAST came to power on a lie, or lies promulgated by its own deserters, and through certain controversial events that followed a General Election narrowly won by HRPP at the polls.

 In many opinions, the imminent danger is the obvious drive by FAST to gain a 2/3 majority in parliament by any means possible and at any cost, all within 18 months of its existence as a political party.

 There have been many battles this election cycle. But none more important than the one that is unfolding before our eyes for the 2/3 majority.

Regardless of lack of merit, the push seems to be to get it in front of a judge. That should terrify us all – the people, (Minister for Everything included) with vested interests and who helped shoo this regime in, have much to gain and too much to lose if FAST are hamstrung to push law change on their own.

 The excuse being used is for them to be able to repeal the 3 laws passed during the previous administration. Really? Is that all there is to it?  Are the laws really that bad?

Viral videos of the FAST leadership would seem to suggest not. And what after that, what new laws would be imposed?

Will they be retrospectively forgiving past malfeasance with the 2/3 majority? Aren’t they anti one-party rule as was their pre-election rhetoric?  How about unfettered power?

 Samoa should wake up to a movement that has taken root almost overnight.

 One that is very susceptible to governing with a militant ethos that people will suffer under in numerous ways. And we should be concerned.

The Court-appointed PM, most of her Ministers and MPs know it, but are powerless to control it because ironically, they are dependent on this disgraceful source of energy to keep them in power.

 The curious thing is that all the educated supporters of the Fast social revolution in the media, the Judiciary, legal fraternity, private sector and public servants, who cried out for change thinking they were empowering our first female PM, actually contributed to the empowering of a very dangerous idiot who has mastered the art of divisive politics using camouflage tactics.

We now hear that more election petitions are being planned, the sole and ultimate objective being to cause further by-elections in the pursuit of a 2/3 majority in parliament, all within 18 months of social and political engineering by many key personalities, parts of the business sector, and certain religious groups.

 There is an eerie feeling of a relentless and sinister wave sweeping over Samoa, that even its good citizens with the ability to critique and rationalise are numbed and appear comatose in support of the preposterous ideas going on.

 They shall be equally as guilty as the players of dirty politics if the nation catapults into recession and abject poverty in the future, by way of association and collaboration.

 We are in imminent danger of a 2/3 majority falling into the wrong hands.

 We must speak out with a clear conscience and put a check to this coalition movement.

 Remember, all that’s needed for evil to grow is for good civil citizens to do nothing. God bless Samoa

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