LETTER TO THE EDITOR : Note that once again Gvt has ventured out into private industry with the $3 million purchase of the Tuanaimato petrol station on the grounds that it needs more reliable and secured petrol services for upcoming Commonwealth conference next year.
So the supply and availability of fuel is still the same but only that our present distribution outlets is not sufficient for the conference so we are not building a new petrol outlet but buying an existing one – all it needs is to turn it on.
Buying an existing petrol station and turning it into an operation unit to ensure sufficient supplies for the upcoming conference is laudable for many good reasons, even if there were no public tenders for sale/purchase of existing petrol stations.
But we should ensure we have international conferences like this every year until this huge investment is paid off.lol.
Remember the Coconut oil production venture; the STEC chicken farm venture; the recent Hotel venture near the airport and at town; and especially the national airline go- alone bankrupt recent re-run venture into international competition using national pride not profits as the rationale ???
Unfortunately when it came time to pay off creditors during insolvencies or reap any investment net returns, we could not convert national pride or failed corporate objectives into acceptable overseas currency to come up with the cash – the poor old taxpayer had to be asked to once again come to the financial rescue using their secured taxpayer compulsory funding source.
Ah well they say don’t reinvent the wheel and learn from experience – unless you are using someone else’s money .
YR Blessings