By Staff Writer

The Electoral Commissioner, Faimalomatumua Mathew Lemisio, is feeling assured by working directly with FACEBOOK providers to safeguard the integrity of the general elections on social media.

Faimalomatumua is unable to go into details of the arrangement except FACEBOOK will allow only for information straight from the OEC election feed.

“We’re very fortunate to have that line of communications open with FACEBOOK but I cannot go into details except we’ll just have to wait and see in the election,” the Electoral Commissioner sighed in relief.

He did give the example of FACEBOOK support of the blackout period when all campaigning publicities are removed from public circulation before the general election.

During the whole polling and counting process of the voting, the public will be able to watch live coverage from the OEC operations control centre at the Tuanaimato Netball Gymnasium.

All polling results and other information will be posted on an electronic board inside the Gymnasium as it is happening.

“All will be shown live on social media and our website with regular media briefings everyday while the counting of the ballot in underway at our operations centre,” Faimalomatumua disclosed.

‘Everyone will be kept fully informed of everything that is going on both locally and watching from outside Samoa.”

Electronic monitoring of the secured area inside the gymnasium where the ballot boxes are to be stored will be at all times until the final count is taken and all resulted officially noted.

Social media has emerged a major opinion influence like never before in any general election in Samoa.

Unfortunately the absolute freedom to ‘use and abuse’ has also posed a serious threat to a safe and secure election.

The Saleaula, Savai’i, village ban on social media opinion postings that shamed its good image and traditional leadership’s integrity is a very highly publicized example.

Serious consequences have been threatened on village families for any more FACEBOOK postings or publicity that will bring shame to the good name of Saleaula.

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