The National University of Samoa (NUS) announced new academic promotions with its staff of “..distinguished professionals, who have excelled in teaching, service and research in the last academic year.”

The following individuals have been promoted effective from the 1 July 2021.

Professor Penelope Schoeffel of the Centre of Samoan Studies has been recognised for her academic leadership in developing postgraduate programmes in development studies leading to international accreditation and her tireless work in supervising PhD students supported by international grants. She is also instrumental in developing the Journal of Samoan Studies.

Associate Professor Tuifuisaa Patila Amosa, Dean of the Faculty of Science, has been recognised for her regional research leadership in climate change and effective administrative leadership and service to the University. She has led innovative programmes in the field of science.

Other academics promoted to Senior Lecturership were: Dr Honiara Salanoa in Communication, Diana Betham Scanlan in English and Jyothi Abraham in Nursing.

“It is with a great sense of pride that we recognise academics who are talented and passionate in their chosen fields, who bring prestige to the work of the University,” said the Vice Chancellor, Aiono Professor Ekeroma.

“We have 13 staff members who are currently studying for PhDs either overseas or at NUS which will provide us the depth of talent to enhance the quality of our teaching and research programmes going forward,” added the Vice Chancellor.

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