Being victimized and survived domestic violence is a huge transformation for most participants of the Nofotane Project.

Sharing ideas and successful stories with each other is one of the key factors that highlighted the improvement in the lives of nofotane women who are registered as self-employed women under the SVSG and EU Nofotane Sustainable Income Project currently underway.

Self-esteem workshops are continuing in village communities, and for Session 8, this was held at Vaipu’a, the Itu Salega constituency on the southern side of Savaii.  Nofotane women from the neighbouring villages of Fagafau, Samata i Uta, Faia’ai and Fogatuli travelled to Vaipu’a to attend the workshop. 

Included in the discussions were market opportunities, product quality improvement, support networks amongst women and financial literacy. Gaining an understanding of these areas should help the nofotane women with the sustainability of their respective income generating activities.

Among the 35 participants were 13 new members who joined the workshop as they were motivated by the positive changes they have observed not only on the nofotane women themselves, but also their families.

While the common challenge faced by the women is the lack of market opportunities for their products, the setting up of the Nofotane Online Market should address this.

In the meantime, the stronger and successful women are being a source of encouragement to each other, as they shared their stories of transformation during the workshop. Ms. Christina Tauā, Programme Manager for the Civil Society Support Program and her team joined us in being inspired by the stories of change as shared by the nofotane:

Take for instance, the 60 year old Malaetele Mulivai of Fogatuli, who was challenged by the program that she can do anything she sets her mind to, and started on commercial cooking, putting the baking skills she learnt from the Nofotane Progrm in 2018 into practice. Today, Malaetele is a proud self-employed nofotane baker, delivering her products to the school canteen as well door to door service around the village.

The 54 year old Oriana Faapito of Faiaai shared on how she lost her sense of self worth and nearly gave up life, when her husband left her and 5 children.  In 2018 she joined the Nofotane Program and it helped her rebuild her self-esteem.  Despite the difficulties, she took it step by step, and smiling through tears, it was obvious that Oriana had come a long way.  But according to Oriana, “success is bitter sweet, as I worked hard selling banana chips, handicrafts and vegetables to feed my children, put them to school and to care for them when they fall sick.  I never thought that I could have a Bank Account, but now I have enough from my sales to put aside money as savings.”

“Without the financial support from the European Union through the government of Samoa and the CSSP, SVSG will not be able to support the sustainability of the nofotane women’s income generation activities. As such we say thank you on behalf of the nofotane women under the Program.” Siliniu Lina Chang, SVSG President

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